
Shipping Methods & Time

Most orders are shipped within 72 hours and may take up to 7 to 10 business days for delivery. UPS ground is our standard shipping method, but we reserve the right to ship with other carriers.

Custom items, such as pool covers or liners, require extra time.

Shipping cost

You can easily check your shipping costs before committing to payment and order placement. To do so, please follow these steps:


  1. Fill your shopping cart
  2. Click “Proceed to Shipping”
  3. Enter your shipping address
  4. Click “Continue to Order Summary”
  5. Your Order Summary is displayed including shipping and any applicable tax


If you choose to continue, click “Continue to Payment Method.” If you choose to abort your purchase, you may exit the site at this time.

Outside the Continental U.S.

  • Hawaii/Puerto Rico

    We do not ship to Hawaii or Puerto Rico

Orders by phone

Unfortunately, we are able to take orders only when they are placed online at

Specific Product Questions

With the exception “Smart” Blue Haven products (e.g., SmartPure Mineral Cartridge), we are unable to provide additional technical information about products beyond what is listed on our website.